25 cool engligh sentence we should use in our daily life instead of common sentence

                        25 cool english sentence we should use in daily life instead of common sentence

general sentences:

1.Hey, good to see you.(seeing a person after long)
2.Lovely to Meet you.
3.How’s it going?(instead of how r u ?)
4.I don’t think we've Met before
5.Sure! sounds like fun.(when someone says let we have a party, cinema, get-together)
6.Pretty good.How about you?(replying to what's up? / how r u ?)
7.OMG! What a lovely suit?
8.Where did you get it from
9.I cant believe how hot/cold it is.(weather)
10.So how do you know him?
11.What a Small world it is.(common with a strange)
12.I’M good.Thanks.(when some one helps)
13.What do you think?(asking opinion)
14.Do you have a Minute? (requesting)
15.Can I give you a hand?(help)
16.Let's grab so Me lunch?

Donald McDonald Is Sitting In Front Of McDonald Cafe Editorial ...

At a restaurant:

1 Could we have a table fir two,please.

2.Yes. Please (when waiter ask you need something)

3.What do you recommend?(when you don't know what to order) 

4.Could we have one portion of baked vegetables and two coffees please.(ordering)

 5.Could we have the cheque please.(asking bill)

Ending statements:


       1.Alright guys. i need to head out. It was great connecting with all of you.(In group)

       2.Hey folks. I better get going i have a long day tomorrow.(meeting wide group of people)

       3.Thanks for having me over .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkmTZny_Gn0&t=3s

      4.Feel free to call me if you want to hangout. See you have a Good one.

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